Isi Benedicta

Meet Isi

Apostle Changemaker Growth Catalyst Nation Builder Leader Seasoned Entrepreneur Prolific Author Transformational Coach Dynamic Speaker

Renowned for her dynamic leadership, Isi Igenegba is a catalyst for change, an architect of transformation, and a nation-builder of extraordinary vision. With an illustrious track record in raising leaders and nurturing growth, she has birthed transformative movements that span continents.

Through various initiatives, she empowers women to step into their destinies as change-makers, engineers societal impact, and drives the growth of organizations and businesses.

Isi Igenegba is not just a Transformational Coach, Inspirational Speaker, and Dynamic Teacher – she is a catalyst for profound change and an expert in personal and corporate growth.

Certified by the prestigious John Maxwell Leadership Program, her expertise shines as a true testimony to
the power of leadership and personal development. She is a graduate of Geology from The University of Ghana, Legon.

As the Lead Trainer at Isi Benedicta Institute, Isi Igenegba is setting the course for individuals and businesses to thrive. This learning hub she has masterfully crafted stands as a testament to her commitment to ‘retrain minds and rebuild kings.’

Through advanced strategies and transformative tools, she empowers individuals to reach new heights of personal effectiveness and propels businesses towards unparalleled corporate transformation.

Isi Igenegba’s dedication to raising a generation of visionary nation-builders is evident in every facet of her work. Her coaching and training programs are designed to nurture excellence, foster innovation, and instill a sense of relentless commitment to service delivery.

At Isi Benedicta Institute, participants step into a realm of transformative learning. From self-paced online courses to dynamic group coaching sessions, each program is tailor-made to meet individual needs. The learning journey is immersive, powered by insightful modules, comprehensive workbooks, and collaborative learning communities that drive unparalleled growth and exceptional results.

With a profound understanding of the power of faith-based principles, business acumen, and social entrepreneurship, Isi Igenegba has been instrumental in equipping and mentoring countless individuals across the globe. Her expertise lies in cultivating effective leadership, personal effectiveness, and relationship management, using a holistic approach that combines spiritual principles with practical strategies.


Isi Igenegba offers corporate training for corporate executives on identifying and making successful transitions, building influential and sustainable systems, and the builders’ code; her blueprint for developing effective systems, driving efficiency, and ensuring excellence that translates to growth.

Through her signature coaching program, Academy of the Builders, she guides leaders, founders, and corporate executives to create systems that are the bedrock of replicable success.

Her expert guidance propels clients to strategically position for partnerships, elevate efficiency, and effectively deliver value to a global audience.

Academy of the Builders unites a cadre of industry experts, forming a dynamic team of facilitators that empower participants with cutting-edge strategies. Together, they embark on a journey of building visions that transcend borders, foster societal transformation, and attain lasting relevance.

Isi Igenegba’s transformative work resonates far beyond national borders, positioning her as a visionary coach and nation-builder of global recognition. Her commitment to excellence, innovative approach, and unyielding dedication to transformation make her a sought-after figure in the realms of coaching, leadership, and personal development.

Some of her renowned publications include her books: From Here to There: Making Successful Transitions, Awaken to Your Purpose and Live, and her bestselling courses; The Shift and Awaken to Your Purpose.


STROM Global Services Ltd:
Isi Igenegba stands as the co-founder of Strom Global Services Ltd., an ISO-certified indigenous oil and gas service company renowned for its exceptional upstream services, spanning manpower solutions, marine support, procurement strategies, flowline maintenance, and environmentally conscious clean-up services, with operations in Nigeria, Texas, and Canada.

As the Director of Human Resources and Administration at Strom Global Services Ltd., Isi Igenegba has dynamically orchestrated the company’s trajectory toward remarkable growth and expansion. Isi is an expert in Human resource management, project management, business development, relationship management, and general administration.

As an experienced HR specialist, she guides and manages the overall provision of human resource services, policies, and programs for Strom, this varies from recruitment and staffing; performance  management and improvement system; organization development and employment and compliance with regulatory concerns.

Since 2015, Isi has led the Organization in human resources practices and objectives that have provided an employee-oriented, high-performance culture that emphasizes empowerment, quality, productivity and standards, goal attainment, and the recruitment and ongoing development of its workforce.

Her strategic leadership has forged streamlined operations and cutting-edge systems that have become pivotal in propelling the company’s upward journey. With an astute understanding of human resource dynamics and a visionary approach to administration, she has positioned Strom Global Services as an industry leader, surpassing benchmarks and transforming challenges into opportunities for innovation.

Under her stewardship, the company has experienced a remarkable evolution, extending its
services to encompass downstream retail operations, bulk importation of petroleum products, and
specialized expertise in well testing and oil field services.

Within a short span since its inception in 2015, the company has achieved an outstanding annual turnover exceeding $5 million, a testament to Isi Igenegba’s unwavering commitment to excellence and growth.
Isi’s contributions to Strom Global Services Ltd. have not only fortified its market presence but have also exemplified her unique ability to drive holistic development, create resilient operational frameworks, and infuse a culture of innovation into every facet of the company’s functioning. Her transformative leadership has set a precedent for excellence, making Strom Global Services a symbol of achievement and ambition in the oil and gas sector.

METSCO Africa:
Building on the accomplishments of Strom Global Services in the oil and gas realm, Isi Igenegba has lent her visionary prowess, leading to the establishment of METSCO Africa, an EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) enterprise aimed at revolutionizing the energy landscape across the African continent.

With an unwavering commitment to providing cutting-edge energy solutions, METSCO Africa specializes in the deployment and delivery of intricate electrical distribution infrastructure, transmission lines, substations, gas turbines, hydroelectric power equipment, and more.

The company’s core mission encompasses not only the efficient execution of electrical engineering projects but also the provision of specialized energy consultancy services. This dynamic approach ensures optimal personnel performance, streamlined service delivery, and unrivaled excellence for their valued clientele.

At the heart of METSCO Africa’s operations lies a profound vision – to fortify Nigeria’s power roadmap in tandem with the Federal Government’s strategic initiatives. Through strategic partnerships, innovative technological solutions, and the implementation of dynamic electrical engineering processes, METSCO Africa envisions propelling Nigeria’s energy landscape into the future, driving progress and sustainable development across the nation.

Sprouts Natural Foods and Lifestyle Products:

Isi Igenegba is the Founder of Sprouts Natural Foods and Lifestyle Products, a food manufacturing company with operations in Lagos and Canada, that seeks to promote healthy living through food, inspired lifestyle changes, and social drives.


The Mantle of Deborah:
The Mantle of Deborah movement, birthed through divine inspiration, has gained tremendous momentum. Under her visionary leadership, the Mantle of Deborah movement has impacted people in nations across Africa, including Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa, Ghana and Botswana, and, most recently, with the just concluded Mantle of Deborah conference in Houston, Texas.

The Mantle of Deborah movement is stewarded through three (3) key pillars:
1. Conferences
2. Training (seminars, retreats, workshops)
3. Impact Projects

Conferences: Transformative Gatherings Igniting Change
Its transformative conferences are at the heart of the Mantle of Deborah movement, strategically designed to transcend spiritual boundaries and address real-world challenges. These gatherings are far from conventional; they bring together an array of thought leaders, industry experts, government officials, and professionals from various sectors. The conferences serve as a platform for robust discussions, collaborative problem-solving, and innovative idea-sharing.

This deliberate inclusivity ensures that the movement’s initiatives are not isolated within a spiritual bubble but are deeply intertwined with the broader socio-economic landscape.

The Mantle of Deborah conferences stand as remarkable events that engage not only the spiritual
community but also resonate with the corridors of power. Eminent government officials and industry leaders participate in these conferences, recognizing the movement’s potential for driving positive change. This engagement ensures that the impact of Mantle of Deborah’s initiatives reaches beyond the audience of the faithful, extending into the realms of policy-making and industry transformation. Collaborative discussions involving government representatives further amplify the movement’s influence on societal progress.

Training: Equipping Women for Impact
The training pillar of the Mantle of Deborah movement is a testament to its commitment to equipping women with the skills and knowledge necessary to drive meaningful change.

Each training session is meticulously designed to cater to the needs of a diverse audience, encompassing both personal and professional growth. From Governance Leadership to Building Systems of Influence, each session imparts practical tools that resonate across various fields.

Through these training initiatives, Mantle of Deborah empowers women to step into leadership roles, break through glass ceilings, and drive innovation.
The training initiatives orchestrated by Mantle of Deborah do not exist in isolation; they are
deeply intertwined with industries and sectors.

The movement leverages partnerships with industry bodies, chambers of commerce, and corporate organizations to ensure that the training content remains relevant and impactful. This approach bridges the gap between spiritual teachings and practical implementation. Industry leaders are often engaged as guest trainers, imparting their expertise and insights to participants, ensuring that the training content resonates with the realities of the modern professional landscape.

Isi Igenegba and the Mantle of Deborah movement recognize the pivotal role that government plays in driving societal transformation. As such, key government figures are invited to participate in conferences and training programs. Their involvement not only brings a valuable perspective to discussions but also paves the way for collaborative initiatives that drive real-world change. This collaboration extends beyond mere speeches; it delves into actionable strategies, policy recommendations, and partnerships that span governmental agencies and ministries.

The movement also ensures that industry leaders are active participants in its endeavors. By engaging industry leaders as trainers, panelists, and mentors, Mantle of Deborah brings a dose of practicality and real-world wisdom to its initiatives. These leaders not only inspire participants with their success stories but also provide tangible strategies for career growth and personal development. The result is a dynamic synergy between spiritual empowerment and industry acumen, creating a powerful foundation for participants to drive change in their respective fields.

In partnership with other ministry gifts, including Tomi Arayomi, Dr. Pearl Kupe, Dr. Patricia King, Rev. Julian Kyula, Dr. Sharon Stone, TY Bello, Prophet Edem Julius-Cudjoe, and a host of others, lives have been transformed, businesses have been birthed and grown, and ministries have been ignited, all by the power of God.

Impact Projects:
In 2023, Isi Igenegba launched Deborah’s Impact Project Africa (DIPA), an organization dedicated to elevating the lives of women across Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, South Africa, and beyond.

As the arm and feet of the Mantle of Deborah, DIPA stands at the forefront of infiltrating territories and nations, implementing impactful projects that address the holistic needs of African women. Through her three program areas of livelihood support and economic empowerment, education and career advancement, and psychosocial support, DIPA is committed to bringing sustainable change and uplifting women in every aspect of their lives.

Through DIPA, Isi seeks to create a future where every woman is equipped with the tools and opportunities to thrive, no matter her circumstances.

In Kenya, DIPA has already made significant progress in establishing operational systems and is currently working on setting up an office. With a dedicated workforce of 100 individuals and seven administrative teams, supported by a robust executive council, DIPA is poised for exciting and fulfilling endeavors.

DIPA currently has 10 acres of land in the beautiful coastal region of Malindi. This land is not just a piece of property; it represents a beacon of hope for the local community. It presents a unique opportunity to create a transformative hub, comprising a rescue centre for girls, a specialized vocational training school, and a level-2 outpatient hospital to provide vital maternity care. This project will significantly impact the lives of the people in the Gurabo area, curbing the high maternal mortality rates within the Gurabo area, as the nearest dispensary is about 7 miles away.

People of Influence Network:

As the Lead of People of Influence Network, Isi Igenegba has emerged as a prominent figure in the apostolic and prophetic landscape. She is dedicated to raising a generation of people who are catalysts for change and influencers, delivering sustainable solutions in their respective fields.

The ministry stands as a hub for change, embarking on a mission of empowerment and societal transformation through purpose-driven initiatives.

The Influence Academy is a focal point, offering a holistic learning experience that intertwines biblical wisdom with practical application, fostering personal growth and societal change. Vials of Incense and “This is Jacob” cater to women and men respectively, nurturing communities for collaborative growth, inspired action, and societal impact.

The Children of Influence initiative nurtures the younger generation in the values of truth and righteousness, teaching them to accept responsibility for effective positive change, while the Prison Ministry extends compassion and healing to incarcerated  hearts. Through International Missions, the network’s impact reaches beyond borders, igniting revival and fostering lasting transformation worldwide.

Located in Lagos, Nigeria, The Influence Hub stands as the administrative hub of People of Influence Network, coordinating her various activities and initiatives. This hub serves as the nucleus for her administrative functions, offering a home to our dedicated team members who work diligently to breathe life into our mission.

The Influence Hub coordinates and supports our initiatives that span nations and cultures. It houses shared services, pooling resources that enable the ministry to function seamlessly across borders. Our skilled and diverse staff, stationed at the Influence Hub, synergize their efforts to ensure our endeavors fulfill our objectives.

While Nigeria serves as the epicenter of our operations, we’ve transcended geographical boundaries with our global team and strategic business partnerships. Collaborators from different corners of the world unite their strengths, aligning with our vision to empower individuals from all walks of life.

In this season, Isi Igenegba stands, passionately heralding the call for personal transformation and nation-building. Her profound teachings and infectious passion and love for people inspire individuals to step out of their comfort zones, embrace their God-given purpose, and impact the world around them.

With undeniable excellence, unwavering faith, and a burning passion for the advancement of God’s Kingdom, Isi Igenegba has emerged as a force to reckon with in this season. Her life and work serve as a testimony to the transformative power of God, igniting a hunger and desire in others to fulfill their God-given purpose and impact the world around them.

Your purpose is bigger than what can be seen.

Isi Benedicta